

The Shocking Truth About Car Insurance Deductibles

Insurance deductibles have been around for a long time but few are aware of the insurance deductible that may apply to their personal injury claims. Knowledge is power so I want to tell you about how it works. Familiar Insurance Deductibles No one likes them but most people are familiar with insurance deductibles.  You have […]


Up in Flames – The Story of Ontario’s Failing Car Insurance System

I have to be brutally honest. Ontario’s car insurance system is going up in flames. I want to tell you what happened, why it happened, how it’s affecting injured people and how lawyers are reacting. I’ll also give you advice on how you can protect yourself and your family. Finally I’ll confide in you my […]


Ontario Drivers – The Carpet has been pulled out from underneath us

I have to confide, it has taken a few weeks for me to calm down so I could write this blog post. My instant reaction was outrage. I know however that “rage writing” is neither compelling nor objective. So I took some time before writing this blog post so I could approach it as calmly […]

William J. Teggart

The biggest mistake you may be making when buying car insurance benefits

You’ll be surprised with this sort of advice coming from a personal injury lawyer. I’m not an advocate for insurance companies. Quite the contrary. My professional life is spent advocating on behalf of injured people and many times suing insurance companies for denied or terminated benefits. Buy Optional Car Insurance Benefits Yet the advice I […]

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